Church Lane, Humberston

Church Lane, Humberston

Project – Outline residential scheme at Church Lane, Humberston for 5 dwellings

Planning permission approved – February 2015

The brief set by the client was to obtain planning consent for a residential end use, outside the development limits of Humberston.

The site had a long history of planning refusals since 1980. The last refused planning application and dismissed appeal was in 2012. The fundamental issues related to the development being outside the settlement boundary and creating an adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the area.

As part of the latest planning application submission a full review of the historic context of Humberston was undertaken, which evolved the scheme to emanate one of the traditional model farm concepts, which historically were found on the edge of Humberston.

The scheme was presented to Planning Committee with an officer recommendation for approval and approved after 35 years of the client applying.

Download Plan (PDF)